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Call Today! (502) 454-4659

Why Do So Many Building Owners Choose
The Ray Nolan Roofing Company?

They Save Money with Longer-Lasting Roofs

Most roofs only last 15 years. We have installed and maintained roofs that are currently in 30+ years of life. Our registered architects help building owners double the lifespan of their roofing system rather than doubling their reroofing costs.


They Avoid Surprise Charges

A roofing contractor is likely to present a building owner with a single-page proposal along with an unbeatably low price. Both are woefully inadequate, and intentionally so. This allows for many new "discoveries" while executing the contract, and many new charges incurred to the building owner – at premium prices.


All of our roof consulting and building envelope projects have been completed on time and on budget.


They Get Honest & Accurate Quotes

Our registered architects provide the building owner with one of the most comprehensive reports in the roofing industry. Our accurate assessments encompass the entire scope of work, from detailed roof analysis and condition documentation, to complete build plans for both long and short-term solutions.


We Are Insured & Code Compliant

Our registered architects are errors-and-omissions insured. We are registered for life and safety code compliance, ensuring that the roof system is designed properly in adherence to current Kentucky Building Code. If a general roofing contractor designs and installs a roof in Kentucky, there is no errors and omissions insurance. If anything fails on that roof, the roofer is not liable. The building owner is.


And We Guarantee

You will not find another roofing company with our experience, credentials, successful history or skill set anywhere in the United States.

We Have Registered Architects In House & On The Job

Unlike any other roofing company in Kentucky.

And Nearly $1 Billion In
Reroof Design & Construction

With no failures and no lawsuits. No kidding.


Roof Problem?
Get an Architect on It.

Schedule a no-cost, no-obligation roof system consultation today.


Roof Emergency?
Resolve It ASAP.


Roof Question?
Just Ask.

Send us a message describing your issue and we’ll get back within 24 hours.


Learn from the Pros

Find out how easy it could be to transform your roof from an expensive liability into a valuable asset.

 Industry Certifications & Associations


Ray Nolan Roofing Co., Inc.

Expertly Designed   |   Expertly Installed   |   Expertly Maintenanced

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